Dra. Beatriz Beltrame

Dra. Beatriz Beltrame

Coordenador de Pediatrics: Hospital Lusíadas Braga

Coordenador de Pediatrics: Hospital Lusíadas Braga

Hospital Lusíadas Braga:


Portuguese, English and Italian



Areas of Interest

Pediatric Outpatient and Emergency; Neonatology; Pediatric Allergology


Pediatrics Consultation

Breve CV

Degree in Medicine (1993).
Specialized in Pediatrics (1994 - 1995), with recognition of the Specialty by the National Medical Council in 2005.
Physician at the Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive Care of Hospital Escola da Faculdade Makenzie in Brazil.
Upon arrival in Portugal, joined the Trofa Saúde private group as a Pediatrician and Neonatologist and, at the same time, worked in Neonatology at Hospital São João for 7 years. Later at Maternidade Júlio Dinis for 6 years and then at TIP for 1 year.
Observational internship at the Allergology outpatient unit with Dr. Bonito Vitor, completing advanced training at Universidade Católica de Lisboa.
Congresses and courses in Europe.