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Dra. Alexia Toller
Areas of Interest
Obstetrics (pregnancy and childbirth surveillance); General Gynecology; Family Planning;...
Dr. Alfonso Velasco
Degenerative and tumour spinal surgery; Cerebral, tumour and traumatic surgery; Traumatic brain...
Dr. Alfredo Cerqueira
Varicose veins; Minimally invasive treatment (radiofrequency and laser); Sclerotherapy; Ischemic...
Dr. Alfredo Ferraz
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
Dr. Alfredo Gouveia
Gynecology Oncology
Dra. Alice Cabral Lopes
Endovenous varicose vein surgery (laser and radiofrequency); Varicose vein sclerotherapy; Direct...
Dra. Alícia Leite
Dentistry; Endodontics; Orthodontics
Dra. Alina Fernandes
Weight loss; Diabetes; Pregnancy and postpartum; Inflammatory bowel disease; Sports nutrition...
Dr. Almeida Ferreira
Surgery of the Anterior Segment of the Eye; Corneal Surgery; Cataract and Refractive Implant;...
Dr. Almeida Santos
General Pediatrics; Emergency Pediatrics; Vaccination