Breast Surgery

• Breast augmentation 
• Breast reduction 
• Breast lift (Mastopexy) 
• Breast asymmetry correction 
• Tuberous breasts 
• Breast implant replacement/revision surgery 
• Male breast reduction (Gynecomastia) 
• Pectus excavatum correction (Depression of the sternum)

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Breast shape can vary significantly from woman to woman. Therefore, it is important to mold surgical treatments to the specificities of each case. For small breasts, augmentation mammoplasty with silicone implants is generally indicated. However, if breasts are also sagging, mastopexy (breast lift) may be initially indicated, either with or without implants, solely utilizing client’s existing breast tissue. Using fat as filler (lipofilling) is also an option, instead of implants. On the other end of the spectrum are overly large breasts, which may benefit from breast reduction. Additionally, cases involving asymmetry, congenital deformity, or problems associated with prior breast surgeries may, in general, be improved through surgery.