A top-level team with dynamic approaches adapted to
the concrete needs of the client throughout the various stages of their lives.

General and Family Medicine is medical specialty aimed at providing primary health care services, following the evolution of the patients throughout the various stages of their lives.

At Lusíadas Saúde General and Family Medicine Units have family medicine specialists who, as managers of the health of clients and their families, guarantee medicine of excellence and health prevention and promotion.

Equipped with the best human and technical means, Lusíadas Saúde General and Family Medicine Units work in conjunction with the remaining medical specialty areas, guiding clients with a dynamic approach adapted to their individual needs.


Talk to us

+351 22 605 64 50

8 a.m. to 7 p.m., monday to saturday.
Number if calling from outside Portugal
+351 21 770 40 40

New +Lusíadas App


Avenida da Republica, 1294


Vila Nova de Gaia