Teams of excellence dedicated to humanized services,
ensuring quality of life for patients and their families.

Palliative Care seeks to attend to the psychological, social, and spiritual needs of patients facing issues arising from incurable or serious diseases, guaranteeing comfort and quality of life.

Providing care aimed at prevention and relief from suffering, Lusíadas Saúde professionals offer a support system to help patients and their families, focused on the quality and humanization of services.

Consultations and Exams

  • Consultations

  • Videoappointments

  • Palliative Care Consultation

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  • Palliative Care Teleconsultation (via video call)

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Clinical staff

Dr. Abel Garcia Abejas

Dr. Abel Garcia Abejas

Coordenador de Palliative Care : Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa

Coordenador de Palliative Care : Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa


Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa

Areas of Interest

Adult health, areas of prevention and prescribing, ethical conflict management, dementia, chronicity and end of life. Mental health, Diabetes, HTA, and management of other risk factors. Medical oncology in primary care.

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