Medical specialty dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases
that affect the hearts of children and adolescents.

Pediatric Cardiology focuses on screening and treatment of heart disease in children. Screening begins during neonatal period, under one-month in age, and continues on through adolescence up to the age of 18.

Diagnostic support exams utilized are as comprehensive as those used for adults and include the following: electrocardiogram, MAPA, HOLTER, stress testing, and echocardiogram.

Pediatric Cardiology also plays an important role in prevention of sudden death during engagement in sports activities, considering that the majority of children do engage in this type of activity. Prevention of these events consists of performing electrocardiograms as well as guidance for subsequent exams, should the need for such be identified.​

Consultations and Exams

  • Consultations

  • Videoappointments

  • Exams

  • Cardiology Consultation – Pediatric

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  • Pediatric Cardiology Teleconsultation (via video call)

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  • Stress Test (Pediatric)

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  • Pediatric Electrocardiogram (ECG)

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  • Registo Ambulatório de Pressão Arterial - Mapa de 24 Horas

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  • Holter (Pediatric)

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  • Echocardiogram (Pediatric)

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  • Doppler Echocardiogram (Pediatric)

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  • Event Detector (Pediatric)

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  • Fetal Cardiac Doppler Study (Pediatric)

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  • Fetal Echocardiography (Pediatric)

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Clinical staff

Dra. Ana Luísa Costa

Dra. Ana Luísa Costa


Hospital Lusíadas Santa Maria da Feira

Areas of Interest

Cardiopatia Congénitas e Adquiridas; Ecocardiograma Pediátrica; Ecocardiograma Fetal e Diagnóstico Pré-natal; Medicina Desportiva; Hipertensão arterial

Dra. Ana R. Sousa

Dra. Ana R. Sousa


Hospital Lusíadas Amadora

Areas of Interest

Pediatric Cardiology; Pediatric Arrhythmology; Sports

Dra. Edite Gonçalves

Dra. Edite Gonçalves


Hospital Lusíadas Porto
Clínica Lusíadas Gaia

Areas of Interest

Pediatric Cardiology; Congenital Heart Disease; Echocardiography.

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